Worship Philosophy Tidbits

  • Worship in song is just a small sliver of overall worship (1 Cor. 10:31).  
  • This is the difference between worship continual and worship corporate.  
    • Continual worship refers to the entirety of your life bringing glory to God. 
    • Corporate worship refers to the Church gathering together and partaking in the Word through:
      • the Word Read
      • the Word Preached
      • the Word Sung
      • the Word Seen (ordinances)
      • the Word Prayer
  • In other words, corporate worship is a subset of all-life worship, and worship in song is a subset of corporate worship.
Illustration of previous point:
         - Continual Worship/All-Life Worship -
                                      - Corporate Worship -
                                                  - Worship in Song -

      Why We Sing in Church

       The E's of Congregational Singing
      • Encourages Unity - we unite in praise and fellowship as we speak to one another about God through song
      • Evangelizes the Lost - we expound upon the life-breathing gospel through song
      • Educates the Saints - we teach doctrine and truth through song
      • Exhorts the Saints - we instruct and inspire in the faith through song
      • Engages the Mind - we encourage godly thinking and worship of the mind through song
      • Excites (creates) & Expresses (channels) Emotion - we stir truth informed emotion and affection for God through song
      Ephesians 5:19-20 - "speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

      ...just to name a few


      How to Assess a Songs Worth for Church

      Ask... the 2 A's

      Is It Accessible
      • Lyrically
        • is the language too outdated/antiquated to be properly understood?
        • is the language clear and the thought developed well?
      • Musically
        • does the bulk of the song exceed the range (too low-too high) of the bulk of the congregation?  If so, you will be leaving your congregation watching instead of participating. 
        • is the melody of the song memorable and worthy of memorization?  
        • is the melody too convoluted and technical to be learned and practiced by the bulk of your congregation?
      Is It Accurate
      • Biblically
        • does the song say true things about God and our relationship to Him?
        • does the song misquote or proof-text scripture or somehow mislead into error about God?  If so, then don't do it.

      or more simply, the 2 S's

      Is it Scriptural?
      Is it Singable?


      Balance in Corporate Worship
      • Historic AND Contemporary
      • Horizontal (Manward) AND Vertical (Godward)
      • Sober AND Celebratory
      • Personal AND Corporate
      • Faster AND Slower
      • Revelatory AND Responsive

      Try to Sing the Gospel Through Your Song Selection

      -The gospel is truth about - God - Man - Christ  and a Response to those truths.

      an example of this:
      • God - songs about God's holiness, creation, etc.
      • Man - songs that underline man's sin and need of a Savior - You Alone Can Rescue - "who oh Lord could save themselves..."
      • Christ - songs that describe the atoning work of Christ - Jesus Messiah - "He became sin, who knew no sin..."
      • Response - anything that says "I will worship" or responds in missional action.